What’s Next in 2020 New Year and New Decade?

Have you ever really thought about what you want to see happen in the next 10 years. I remember when I used to be a counselor at Job Corps. I used to facilitate a skill building class. Every year I would have a goal setting session where the young people were asked to write out their goals for the next 1, 5, and 10 years. Often times most of them would do the 1 year and stop. They said they had no clue what they may or may not be doing or want five years from now. As a matter of fact, many of them said because of where they live and the history of their family members, they don’t expect to be alive in 5 years! Can you imagine living a life in fear? But what if they set HUGE #goals and were taught #strategies on how to accomplish them. That’s what I taught them and many caught the #vision and are now #successful in their space in the world. You can do that by setting a deadline for your yearly goals with monthly, weekly and daily goals and strategies.

We have a goal of being a high multi-six figure company by the end of the year. We will accomplish that by creating a #strategy. We have already planned out our company calendar for the year. We looked at all the products and services that we created over the years and what we will believe will impact in 2020 and set up a system to rinse and repeat each quarter. We then broke those quarters down into months and the months to weeks and then created our daily to do list. We have a #marketing calendar, #content calendar along with goals for each quarter, month, week and day. We spent the entire fourth quarter of 2019 working on these things. You cannot even imagine how #organized and accomplished we feel. It has brought clarity and fresh vision to the company and us as individuals in the organization.
What is our big decade goal? To franchise some of Marriage Built 2 Last programs and courses. Also, to build a well-functioning team so we don’t have to be so hands on. This is where we know we can’t accomplish everything by ourselves. It takes #teamwork and #collaboration.

Our theme this month is Clarity, Vision, #Purpose and Goals. Everything that we set out to do will be planned with that theme in mind. That includes things such as our monthly #newsletter, #blog, live videos, pre-recorded broadcasts, emails, social media and events. It helps us to stay on task, topic and to grow us and you in a specific area of #expertise. Everything that we do is with you in mind.
Now, what’s next for you in 2020 and beyond? Do you have a BIG #DREAM so big that you can’t fathom achieving it?! Have you ever written it down anywhere? Why or why not? What’s your BIG Why in the world? Today we want you to begin to write about that big dream or goal. Writing will help you gain clarity. Clarity will make your Vision seem more attainable and give you Purpose.
Vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. That’s right, vision is only imagining something that you think about. When you write it down, you then can create a goal and then break that goal down into actionable steps. In this instance we are talking about S.M.A.R.T. goals that are measureable. When you have that one big crazy dream that is so super-duper over the top, you ‘shouldn’t’ be able to see the steps so clearly because you are going to need miracles and long term strategy to see it manifest. For now….start working on some goal(s) that you want to achieve. It’s never too late. At MB2L we focus on 5 key areas to grow in, every year: Finance, Career and Education, Health and Wellness, Personal and Family, and Spiritual.

Is this your year to move forward? If so, we are here to assist. Reach out to us for a free individual coaching session, https://calendly.com/mb2l/30min/. You can also attend one of our Vision and #Goal-Setting Parties. We take Vision Boarding to a whole other level. We help you define your vision through gaining clarity on your purpose both individually and as a #couple. We also help you write your goals both individually and as a couple including the 5 key areas mentioned above. And as a final step, we take you through the process of writing out the steps to plan and achieve your goals. This event is #married, #engaged and seriously #dating. Don’t delay. Join us. We only do a few in the month of January. https://powercouplevisiongoals.eventbrite.com.

Dream BIG!
James and Cynthia Greene, Your Marriage and Relationship Visionary Strategists